
From Sales to Cash
Follow the money
Maintain your margin

Use WorkOptima, to support your complete order lifecycle process. 
Avoid processing errors & unnecessary rework
Grow your business & add value

You know your costs. You sell a load at $100 expecting to make $20, and yet when done and told you only make $3.50. 
What happened? 

Likely someone will blame the driver, another will accuse the customer of wasting time. Perhaps another will say we missed paperwork, someone might suggest we made an error when we booked the load. All kinds of plausible reasons.

Clearly something/s during the lifecycle of that order was not quite right and you had to rework things. Deal with unexpected changes. Make adjustments on the fly. You applied people to fix things. 

Bottom line you leaked money! Others would say you eroded your profits!

Let us take a step back and follow the lifecycle of the order to get a better appreciation;


Processes are About Consistent Outcomes. Make sure your sales team and customers know what has been bought and sold.

Was the way the load was sold communicated correctly to the order entry and billing departments? Was the load the “right” type of freight? Did we understand during the sales process what the client was expecting?

Make sure that we are selling "good business" versus just being busy!

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Order Entry

Know that what has been sold and ordered is input into the order entry system in the right format. Are any special terms & all considerations accounted for?

Get it right upfront, avoid a downstream problem.

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Load Planning

Efficient planning ensures that the delivery can be made on time and within expected costs. Finding out that there is  too little or too much capacity is wasteful. Running empty miles is a big waste!

Has the load been planned in conformance with the way it was sold & ordered.

Planning errors frustrate drivers, and drive up costs. 

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Making the Delivery

Was the driver on time? Was the shipper or consignee ready? Where our hours of service met? How did the weather and traffic impact the delivery? Were our weights compliant? So many variables to ponder. 

Well sorted processes are critical to retaining drivers & satisfying your customers.

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Settlements & Billing

Was the trip report and drivers expectation correct for the way the load was tendered? Were there out of pocket costs that we should have anticipated? Did we have to make corrections and adjustments to the payroll to compensate for detention, traffic, customer issues or other considerations?

Use WorkOptima to improve your operational efficiency.

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Get Paid

Will the customer dispute the invoice? Did we provide the correct backup paperwork? Did the invoice align with the original order and sales expectation. Are we forced to credit items on the bill because they were not included in the contract?

It's About Adoption, Efficiency and Productivity.

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Work Smarter, Visible Process Management. Getting Work Done, Made Easy.

Use WorkOptima, to easily configure and deploy business processes. 

Enforce consistency, add enterprise visibility and integrate with existing systems.
Remove all the process gaps in your company.


Get More Work Done

Efficient processes reduce waste 
and require less effort to complete.

Improve efficiency and optimization through best in class processes, digital transformation and automation

Depend On The Results

Onscreen guidance and structured workflows ensure that everyone knows what to do. 

Be as flexible as necessary, but know your results are consistent

Scale Your Business

To operate at scale requires that everyone adheres to the same process. 
Decision makers gain clear visibility into the operations to make data driven, business decisions. 
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